Friday, September 13, 2024


Lighthouse Family - Greatest Hits (2002) *****

Nominated by: GK

Music club: Wander to Wozza's

Playlist addition:  (I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be) Free

Lighthouse Family were a big deal in the late nineties and early naughties in the UK. I discovered them in 2001 via their video for Free and then bought their album Whatever Gets You Through The Day.

When we moved to the UK I was amazed to find their other albums for very cheap prices in charity shops. Criminal!! We are talking high quality albums here, seemingly chucked away and sold for a quid.

Tunde (his voice is sublime) and songwriter Paul Tucker make a great team and they are definitely stronger together. I bought Tunde's solo album and was a bit disappointed. I don't know what Tucker has done outside of Lighthouse Family. I see they got back together a few years ago for another album. I must catch up with that on Spotify.

The songs on this Greatest Hits compilation are basically all the singles (we're talking HITS) and a few waifs and strays. It all adds up to an essential item. No duds. Tunde even breathes life into Ain't No Sunshine!!

Aside from Tunde, the things I love most about these songs:

  • The uplifting, positive, optimistic messages
  • The interesting/varied arrangements 
  • The infectious beats   

The most important feeling I get from listening to these songs is that I feel good about myself (who I am), and my key life choices (career, friends, life partner). In many ways that's my favourite kind of music: music that makes me feel good about myself.

Look at Beatle songs - no dark depressing corners, instead songs about love (it's all you need). Beach Boys songs - same deal - fun, bright, optimistic songs about ecology, people, love (lower case). I gravitated towards the Lighthouse Family for the same reasons. Take another look at that video for Free.

Bottom line - it's perfect music to start your daily commute and set you up for the day ahead. Five stars all the way GK.

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