Friday, August 30, 2024

In your favour

Look Blue Go Purple -Compilation (1991) ****

Nominated by: Kevy

Music club: Wander to Wozza's

Playlist addition: Cactus Cat

Cards on the table time - I have a real soft spot for all-female groups (as in all the musicians in the band are female). My favourites: Girls School; The Runaways; Fanny; Marine Girls; and NZ's own - Look Blue Go Purple.

There is something very different about the way all-female bands play and write songs compared to bands with a male component. I love that difference.

Look Blue Go Purple are no exception. Starting with the name - I don't think there is a Flying Nun band with a better name (and the label has some brilliantly named bands), Look Blue Go Purple are stunningly different to other NZ bands.

I don't own this compilation of their EPs (criminally, they never recorded an album) - instead I own the Still Bewitched compilation. I prefer that one because it has the complete EPs in chronological order, plus some live tracks.

Yes, I have OCD tendencies, but having the complete EPs in order allows me/us to trace their development. Instead Compilation mucks up the order so that we have the murky Bewitched songs mixed with the flutey songs on the second EP - LBGPEP2. The more professional sounding This Is This songs bringing up the rear. This is NOT the reason I've gone for 4 stars though.

It's not even the murky production of the Bewitched songs. Michael Stipe on the first REM album Murmur is buried in the mix and nothing he says is clearly articulated. But it sounds great. Bewitched follows the same production template, and those twin LBGP voices make it even more of a guessing game as to the lyrics, but I love it!

It's that flute! It just gets in the way, in my opinion. They are so much better without that blimmin flute. Luckily it's only on a couple of songs and then it's back to the LBGP beat, the reedy organ and the strummed electric guitars. Perfect!

Best song hands down is Cactus Cat but songs like 100 Times, Grace and others (all of the This Is This EP for instance) aren't that far behind, so it doesn't overshadow the compilation.

Great name. Great sound. Great choice Kevy.

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