Monday, February 26, 2024

Spectacle of ritual

Kali Malone - The Sacrificial Code (2019) ***

Nominated by: Alex

Music club: MNAC

MNAC playlist addition:  Or Something

Good call from Alex - listen to the album while working. He's bang on. For the last two weeks, it easily accompanied my early mornings while working at school. As staff arrived they would comment on the sounds very favourably.

My ambient music genre go-to albums are usually Bass Communion, Eno/Harold Budd, Tangerine Dream, Neu!, Alice Coltrane and Courtney Barnett. Now I can add Kali Malone to that list.

The textures crept up on me while I was working in a very pleasant way. The listening experience wasn't as good in the car on the commute though - I need something with a bit more pep in that context. Plus, I was more actively listening which didn't work as well.

I've chosen single worthy Or Something to highlight but really the album is an entity to itself and needs to unwind as it was envisioned by Kali Malone.

Thanks for the introduction Alex.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Silver bullet

Brown Horse  Reservoir (2024) ***

Nominated by: Gee Kay

Music club: Wander to Wozza's

Playlist addition:  Bloodstain

I knew it would happen. GK says in his preamble, "I’m hoping you can look pass the vocalist’s interesting style and enjoy Reservoir". So, of course, the answer is 'Yes' and 'No'. Once something's pointed out, it's difficult to ignore.

I've noticed in the past that for some reason Americana styled bands from the UK often have this kind of vocalist. I'm thinking of bands like Gomez and Turin Breaks. It's not good or bad, just takes a bit to get used to is all.

So, by the third go around I'd forgotten all about the vocal quirks and nodded my head, tapped my feet and generally grooved to those loping beats and electric guitars. 

Speaking of which - Neil Young's influence is never far from Americana bands and I do prefer songs, like Bloodstain, that wear that influence on their sleeves.

Generally, there's a good clutch of songs on display on Reservoir, with enough variety of instrumentation to keep me interested. And while I didn't discern any B side slide, there is a sameness that creeps in to the procession of songs.

Mrs Purdy and I are watching Yellowstone on Netflix atm and these songs would slot right on into the soundtrack I feel.

Nice work featuring a 2024 release GK. You'll need to keep us informed on their progress from this solid debut. It will be interesting to see how they evolve away from this core sound, indeed, whether they stick with this country rock on future releases or go more organic and ethnic, if you know what I mean. There are hints of that here with some accordian and fiddle mixing it up with the electric guitars.

Favourite tracks - Everlasting; Bloodstain; Paul Gilley (nice female harmony vocals on what's a country song really)

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Now in your hands

Robert Scott - The Green House (2014) ****

Nominated by: KS

Music club: Wander to Wozza's

Playlist addition:  Lights Are Low

It's 2024 and WTWMC returns in fine style with Kevy's first up selection.

Robert Scott is a favourite of both Kevy and the WTWMC, thanks to Robert's day job as leader of The Bats. But he also has a highly entertaining solo career.

As KS says, The Green House features some dreamy, hypnotic vocals & the extra bonus of Holly Fullbrook on backing vocals (she of Tiny Ruins).

It didn't take me long to like and enjoy this album. Maybe the instant appeal comes from enjoying The Bats so much. It doesn't sound a million miles from that stellar NZ band. 

Holly and Scott's voices fit nicely together. A relatively simple song like Lazy Boy takes on added depth thanks to their easy combination.

Fav songs and moments - first song, Lights Are Low sets the tone really well - I prefer the songs where Holly takes the lead, dominant voice, Robert is just a nano second after her. So, this and Now In Your Hands really appeal. I also enjoyed the instrumentals - they added some variety. Favorite Case is lovely!

A quiet stunner of an album and a great start to 2024!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Withered Hand

Withered Hand - How To Love (2023) ***

Nominated by: Tom Jnr

Music club: MNAC

MNAC playlist addition:  How To Love

I quite like the sounds made by the alt-country, Americana bands that have sprung up since the early eighties. Usually it's a good honest hodge podge of styles that fuses into something easy to listen to and enjoy. It's not very taxing, so great for relaxing on a sunny day with a beverage.

For me, Withered Hand (Dan Wilson's brand name) are within the alt-country genre, even though he comes from Scotland. His sound reminds me of The Jayhawks and Golden Smog. Two bands I enjoy.

This album is a bit inconsistent though. All of those 6 minute plus songs (even though I like the title track) are a worry. It's hard to sustain interest over that length and Serenity Prayer just ends up being a grind. Sort of like a Neil Young and Crazy Horse lengthy workout that doesn't work out. Less is more.

Favorite tracks: the edited single version of Waking Up, How To Love and Still Quiet Voice.

Thanks Lew - overall an enjoyable experience but I'll be sticking to Golden Smog for my listening pleasure in this genre. Thanks for recommending though!