Friday, February 23, 2024

Silver bullet

Brown Horse  Reservoir (2024) ***

Nominated by: Gee Kay

Music club: Wander to Wozza's

Playlist addition:  Bloodstain

I knew it would happen. GK says in his preamble, "I’m hoping you can look pass the vocalist’s interesting style and enjoy Reservoir". So, of course, the answer is 'Yes' and 'No'. Once something's pointed out, it's difficult to ignore.

I've noticed in the past that for some reason Americana styled bands from the UK often have this kind of vocalist. I'm thinking of bands like Gomez and Turin Breaks. It's not good or bad, just takes a bit to get used to is all.

So, by the third go around I'd forgotten all about the vocal quirks and nodded my head, tapped my feet and generally grooved to those loping beats and electric guitars. 

Speaking of which - Neil Young's influence is never far from Americana bands and I do prefer songs, like Bloodstain, that wear that influence on their sleeves.

Generally, there's a good clutch of songs on display on Reservoir, with enough variety of instrumentation to keep me interested. And while I didn't discern any B side slide, there is a sameness that creeps in to the procession of songs.

Mrs Purdy and I are watching Yellowstone on Netflix atm and these songs would slot right on into the soundtrack I feel.

Nice work featuring a 2024 release GK. You'll need to keep us informed on their progress from this solid debut. It will be interesting to see how they evolve away from this core sound, indeed, whether they stick with this country rock on future releases or go more organic and ethnic, if you know what I mean. There are hints of that here with some accordian and fiddle mixing it up with the electric guitars.

Favourite tracks - Everlasting; Bloodstain; Paul Gilley (nice female harmony vocals on what's a country song really)

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