Thursday, November 17, 2022

Today's music ain't got the same soul

Bob Seger - Stranger In Town (1978) ****

Nominated by: Biggie Gee

Music club: Wander to Wozza's

Playlist addition:  Feel Like A Number

Greg introduced his latest choice by reminding us of the context: 1978.

Our second year at Auckland University was notable for a few reasons. As he accurately summarises, 1978 was largely 'when we were at Uni, drinking cokes in the rec centre, getting poleaxed by Anthony Harris’s sister, and generally acting like the diligent students we were'.

That was the second year of a BA for me and BSc for him and BCom for Kevy. It was a tough year. Universities use Level 2 courses to sort out the wheat from the chaff. So we were nerdy noses to the grindstone for the most part. That means we went to lectures and tutorials and set up in the various parts of the University library to study. During those times we'd often connect with each other for distractions like cokes in the Rec Centre or sport.

Self indulgent? You betcha. Glorious glory days.  

A few records instantly transport me back to those years - Patti Smith's first three albums, Springsteen's Darkness On The Edge Of Town certainly, and Bob Seger's Stranger In Town (Bob's came out first and Springsteen's a month later so call it a draw in the race to use Town in the title).

Every track is an instant memory jolt and those first five tracks are peerless with Bob and the Silver Bullet Boys locked in the groove. Bob is in peak form vocally.

So why 4 stars? For five stars every track needs to be a masterpiece and with the best will in the world, I couldn't call Ain't Got No Money a masterpiece (double negative for a start). Somehow that and the power ballad megahit We've Got Tonight dial back the intensity late on side 2.

Great final song though in The Famous Final Scene.

Has it dated since 1978? No - not really. The rockers rock, the ballads provide some variety. This is now classed as classic rock - and Bob's truism is even more relevant - today's music does NOT have the same soul. We could use a Bob Seger or two in these pop hero deprived times.

Go Bob! Let It Shine!

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