Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Glory of the snow

Clairo - Charm (2024) ***

Nominated by: Tom  

Music club: MNAC

MNAC playlist addition:  Nomad

Clairo has a lovely, effortless delivery. She reminded me of one of my all time favourite singers - Ricky Nelson, in that they both allow the listener to relax and enjoy their company. There are no sharp edges; there is no tension in their voices.

That can also be a problem though - too much pleasant easy sounds can result in good songs floating on by without lingering in the memory.

Therein lies my problem with Charm. It seemed to be, that whenever I started playing this album I'd get about 4 songs in and then lose focus. Before I knew it the record was done. Even mid song I'd sometimes tune out.

It's a beautiful sound, so the lack of focus began to bother me! But it kept happening.

So, in the end I find it really hard to appraise the true worth of this album. First 4 or 5 songs - lovely, rest...not sure.

I feel terrible about this state of affairs because I truly like her voice, but an EP would have been superb. A whole album is a real stretch.

Will I come back to it in time? Probably not, to be fair. But I am really happy Tom put it forward for our enjoyment.

Sorry (feeling shiite). 

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