Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Have you seen her smile ?

Gorky's Zygotic Mynci - How I long To Feel That Summer In My Heart (2001) ***

Nominated by: Alex Geddes

Music club: MNAC

Highlight: Stood On Gold   

This one is easy to like - so many fun, Beatlesque circa 1967, moments for me. It's summer sunny and also quite mellow. 
I enjoyed the music, the singing, the songs and the holistic summery vibe (yes - vibe). It often reminded me of some pastoral prog bands I like, like Caravan, Camel and Barclay James Harvest - very much the same proggy/psychedelic vibe and approach to my ears. Having said that, it still sounds different enough to be fresh and rewarding.
Highlights came often - like the end of the first track and the cheapo organ on Can Megan. Best tracks for me were Honeymoon With You, Stood On Gold, How I Long.
Slight criticism would be the even slower tracks like Dead-Aid and Easy Love. Nothing wrong especially but I got a tad impatient with the gentle measured pace. Having said that (part 2), How I Long is just a gorgeous aching for summer song, so what do I know.

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