Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Swing band rocking from the street to the bar

Graham Parker and The Rumour - Stick To Me (1996) *****

Nominated by: Greg Knowles

Music club: Wander to Wozza's

Playlist addition:  Heat In Harlem

Fabbo album. Fabbo memories.

This is one of those albums that I can't divorce from time and place: 1977 - first year of University and Greg and I won a copy of this from a radio competition and when it came in the mail I played it heaps and loved it instantly. Listening to it again now and that time and place oozes from the grooves.
Each song is instantly recognisable because they are each deeply etched into my brain. Back in 1977 every album I got was special so I would play them a lot and became very familiar with every song. These days I'm a little guilty of buying an album - listening to it once or twice and filing it away. That's a shame because with these old albums that I know so well, every song has its charm and appeal. 
Nick Lowe's production is excellent throughout - crisp, but with good bottom end. The horns pop. Graham himself is fully committed in his vocals.
When push comes to shove, standout tracks for me were always and still are: Stick To Me; Soul On Soul; Clear Head (that opening instantly transports me back to my bedroom at 4 Ramelton Rd). That's side one - a sprint through 5 wonderful songs. 
Doesn't let up on side 2 does it - more standout tracks: New York Shuffle; Thunder and Rain; Heat In Harlem.
Five star classic for me!

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