Wednesday, July 20, 2022

First time I met you, I knew then afterwards there'd be no in-between

Snail Mail - Valentine (2021) ***  

Nominated by: Lew

Music club: MNAC

Highlight:  Light Blue 

I enjoyed it with some buts attached.
Number 1 - colour me grumpy and old fashioned - but this modern phenomenon of calling yourself some wacko stage name - Joan as Policewoman, Cat Power, Snail Mail et al - I don't like it. I think the idea is to add a layer of exotic mystique or perform as someone distinct to your true self.  Stop it!
Number 2 - Synth-pop - as you know - I'm not as enamoured by synths as you guys. For the most part - I love guitars, guitars and more guitars! I kept wondering what this would sound like with less synths and more guitars (I can't help it) but then again a whole album of Light Blue wouldn't have been as cool.
Number 3 - she sounds a troubled young woman (again - as you know - I'm a day person).
Having said all that, I did enjoy this album. I played it a lot actually (pretty much on a loop for a few days when Lew sent it).
Album kicks off with a bit of a wallop - I like the twists and turns of opener Valentine

My favourite tracks - Light Blue (after three synth heavy tracks I like the simple guitar/vocal approach - sounds a lot more honest -and I like the cracked breathy vocal delivery - sounds real). Forever and Glory (with real meaty sounding drums) are also catchy. I latched onto and liked these on Spotify early on and they keep getting better to my ears.

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