Wednesday, July 20, 2022

I got close enough to the river that I couldn't hear the trucks but not close enough to stop the roaring of my mind

Mount Eerie - Lost Wisdom (2008) *****  

Nominated by: Alex 

Music club: MNAC 

Highlight:  Lost Wisdom

Lost Wisdom! Slam dunk brilliant for me. All things must pass - including the music and thoughts on this album but it's crazy good while it's here and now.
Loads to love:
The voices mesh brilliantly, the sparse backing is real. I loved everything about this record but I especially loved the lyrics. I knew I'd be in safe hands after the opening to the first track - I got close enough to the river that I couldn't hear the trucks but not close enough to stop the roaring of my mind. These rocks don't care if I live or die, everyone I know will finally turn away. 
That idea that life is fleeting gets a great coda during O My Heart what I find will be found easily and only when I'm not looking for it.  

Favourite tracks: Lost Wisdom; Voice In Headphones; O My Heart. But really the whole thing is terrific.  

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