Wednesday, July 20, 2022

You forget

David Kilgour - Here Come The Cars (1991) ***

Nominated by: Kevy

Music club: WTWMC

Playlist addition:  You Forget

David Kilgour left me a tad bemused (short version) as in I'm not sure what to make of it all.
Long version: The lead off track took me by surprise - he is no noisnik as I had kinda assumed - this is based totally on ignorance as I have not delved into the F Nun catalogue much over the years - all dark and studenty lo-fi in my fevered imagination. So - The Clean? Heard of them but nothing by them. Same with The Chills/ Martin Phillips et al.
So - so nice repetitions on guitar to kick off the album left me wondering what was to come?
The answer was a couple of pop songs!! Whaaat - where's all that dark Dunedin angst??
You Forget quickly became a favourite track - love all that Van Morrison style La La La-ing. Clear standout for me.
Another highlight for me was Because It Was You - piano was lovely and seemed to echo that first track. Although it fades away weirdly before 2 mins are up, it stands out because of its difference.
The other tracks were good but a little samey - I noted as I listened to them that it appeared David K was either aiming for a Smiths(onian) jangle vibe (Shivering, Spasm, Blueprint) or a psychedelic Paul Weller vibe (Nothing Vol 1). Is this the same as the parent band I wonder.
The lyrics? Not sure - he has a kind of drawly mumbly slightly flat at times vocal delivery that is not unappealing but I found it hard to decipher a narrative flow which left me a tad confused (and bemused).

Three stars from me - good stuff but I don't feel I need to buy a physical copy.  

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