Tuesday, July 19, 2022

When I was a child, my mother'd send me outside on a moonless night to see the light

The Weather Station - How Is It That I Should Look At The Stars (1996) ****

Nominated by: Tom Kirkham

Music club: MNAC

Highlight:  Stars

My initial response was disappointment. It is SO SO different to her last album (Ignorance) that I really liked. 

However, multiple listens in moments when I was less pressured revealed depths that I hadn't noticed before when I was impatient for the sound to layer up as it does on Ignorance.
Now, I love this album, maybe more that the last one! Shock, horror.
Canadian, piano driven songs, hushed vocals, lyrics that intrigue, female. Hmmm, who does that remind you of I wonder. Clearly, like most of the planet, she's a Joni fan but this is Tamara Lindeman's distinctive sound, and the Joni resonances only poke through a few times for me.
For a start it failed to match my moods, now it seems to suit them all. At work, early in the morning, after school, at home. I've listened to the album a lot and each time I look forward to hearing it - can't say more than that really.
The whole album is a cohesive mood piece - very unified, so it's hard to pick out favourites. If pushed, I'd  name Stars and Taught as stand-outs. 

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