Monday, August 5, 2024

Sweet vibration

The Lemon Twigs - A Dream Is All We Know  (2024) ***

Nominated by: Al

Music club: MNAC

MNAC playlist addition:  How To Love

This one, the fifth album by The Lemon Twigs, is brand new - only released in May of this year, so it's fresh as a daisy (in more ways than one).

The band is really just two brothers and I'm a big fan. Are you kidding? Power pop and progressive rock are very me.

Two of my favourite bands loom large on A Dream Is All We Know - The Beatles and The Beach Boys. There are hints and echoes of The Raspberries (power popper Eric Carmen was also a huge fan of both bands); Todd Rundgren, Myracle Brah, Pugwash, Jellyfish, Badfinger, High Llamas and dozens of other bands with the same influences.

Personally, I have zero problem with that. I love all of those artists.

The Lemon Twigs do manage to forge their own sound out of those stellar influences, in my opinion. I'm sure, plenty will argue against that (I can hear Tom's voice in my ear) because, at times, there is evidence to the contrary. 

For instance, My Golden Years starts off like they are ripping off The Rembrandts but then the chirpy Twigs vocals kick in (via The Beach Boys) and we're off into Twigs land where influences are blended, bent and bashed around. It shouldn't work, but it does.

After two or three songs you can either play spot the influence, or else relax into the album, smile, and start embracing their Twigness. Admittedly it does take a few listens, but all it takes for me to forgive them all their liberties is something like that bit in the middle of Church Bells - do do dit etc.

Great choice Alex. Big tick from me.

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