Thursday, July 18, 2024

It's only natural

Crowded House - Woodface (1991) ****

Nominated by: Kevy

Music club: Wander to Wozza's

Playlist addition:  Weather With You

Tim and Nil Fun together is a magic combination - whether it be in Split Enz, as The Finn Brothers, or when they pool their considerable talents in Crowded House.

Woodface is a no-brainer NZ music high water mark. For some it's Crowded House's best album (my vote is for Together Alone in case you're asking).

Commercially and critically a huge marker in their careers, so what is there to talk about? Well, first of all how great some of these songs are. I speak of Chocolate Cake*, It's Only Natural, Fall At Your Feet, Weather With You, and Four Seasons In One Day. All are Finn/Finn songs except for Fall At Your Feet - Neil's alone. 

My goodness. Breath-taking in their genius - all five stars [Chocolate Cake* only just - that recurring line about Tammy Baker always grates with me. For me, it's a mistake naming someone current like that - songs date that way].

But hang on, you say, that leaves 9 other songs to discuss. I'm not counting the tacked on 'hidden' track - I'm Still Here (ha ha). They probably regret that now.

Tall Trees - Nil and Tum vocal duet. It's upbeat! But not that memorable. Not in the same class as Chocolate Cake - the one it most resembles. Smells a bit like filler.

Whispers and Moans - a Neil song. Good, but not great.

There Goes God, How Will You Go (Finn/Finn) - duet songs and worthy entries. Like Chocolate Cake - There Goes God is touched by the same absurdist brush lyrically - surely Tim's influence. How Will You Go is an excellent closing song - the brothers lock in vocally to great effect.

Fame Is, As Sure As I Am, She Goes On (all Neil songs) - all familiar territory for Crowded House fans - i.e. really good songs, played well. Lovely accordion on As Sure As I Am. She Goes On is terrific. Surely a love song for Shazza (love the Beatley backwards fade out).

All I Ask (Finn/Finn) - beautiful song, sung so well by Tim alone. Sounds out of place though with those sweeping strings (great as they are). Probably would have been more suited for inclusion on Before And After maybe?

Italian Plastic (token Ringo, I mean Paul Hester song) - Tim and Neil do their best with an okay song. Does have a promising chorus. The reprised ending wasn't a terrific idea.

Bottom line - those very familiar tight five genius songs tend to overshadow the rest of the album somewhat. They are that good.

Based on Kevy's criteria for a 5 star classic album - that every track should be a masterpiece, I have to stop short of awarding 5 star status because as an album, Woodface's no Mental Notes.

Thanks for recommending this one Kevy - always lovely revisiting this album. I hear new things each time and hadn't previously realised what an excellent song How Will You Go is.

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