Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Remind me once more where this is going before I fling it out into the ocean

The Spinto Band - Nice and Nicely Done (1996) ***

Nominated by: Lew

Music club: MNAC

Highlight:  Oh Mandy

Yes, I liked Nice and Nicely Done (actually that would probably suffice as a response - which I guess is the point of calling it that huh). Actually, they had me from the cover - always loved choppers with those super nifty banana seats.

I heard strong echoes of Kings Of Leon in opener Did I Tell You. Am I crazy? Not a bad thing from my pov but a surprise. Rest of the album didn't try the same trick so it's got to be deliberate, right? Bit of Jonathan Richman along the way too if I'm not mistaken. Generally, though, it's a cool mash of influences rather than rip-offs.

Favourite tracks: Oh Mandy (a bunch of my friends and I assemble quirky playlists on Spotify - our current one is names in the title - one each year from 1957 and I would definitely have had Oh Mandy as my 2005 selection ahead of Madonna's Isaac if I'd known about it). Cool song and one of my friends is a Mandy - just saying. Spy Vs Spy closes side one well. Crack The Whip is a strong lead off for side 2.

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